Brilliance from the Cut – The Edo Kiriko
When we have a chance to talk with foreign tourists we meet while traveling abroad or visiting Japan, we are often impressed to learn that some of them know more about Japan than we Japanese do, such as that they love XX Japanese cuisine, have been to XX in Japan, or they come to Japan because they are interested to buy Japanese traditional crafts.

Today, we would like to introduce Edo Kiriko (Edo Faceting), a typical Japanese traditional craft that has been selling well at j-Grab Mall.
Among the many traditional crafts, Edo Kiriko (Edo Faceting), which its beauty is appreciated overseas, ranks high on the list of popular souvenirs.
According to data from the Visit Japan Campaign’s “Attractive Japanese Souvenir Contest”, the Edo Kiriko wind chime won the gold award in the craftsmanship category.
Source: "Roundtable Conference on Tourism" Fourth Reference Material - The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
There are eight to nine typical patterns that are often used, which can be said to be the most attractive feature of Edo Kiriko.
Each one has its own meaning, and the design of each pattern is so attractive that you can't help but admire it.
Drinks poured into such beautiful Edo faceted glasses are likely to taste even better.
Surprisingly, that beautiful cut of Edo Kiriko was actually created under British leadership.
We had no idea that what we had thought of as an original Japanese craft also included techniques from a distant foreign country.
When we think that crafts in this way incorporate a variety of cultures, it changes our conventional conception of crafts as uniquely Japanese goods.
Conversely, when we consider that Japanese culture and techniques may also be a hint for crafts from other countries, we suddenly become more attached to crafts from other countries.

In Japan, many traditional crafts are the work of artisans whose skills you have never seen before.
If you have any questions such as "I am interested in this kind of craftwork," or "How is this craftwork used?”, etc., please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you!