In September 2022, j-Grab representative Mr. Yamada visited Singapore to inspect the j-Grab Mall showroom store and heard some interesting stories.
When we asked the staff at the JTB Singapore branch what they wanted right now, they had only one choice: "Japanese Fruits”. Among them, the fruit named "Shine Muscat," attracting attention both in Japan and abroad, came up.The large Shine Muscat
What kind of grape variety is the Shine Muscat?
The Shine Muscat is a still new variety, registered in 2006, created by the National Agricultural Research Institute under the jurisdiction of Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF).
Among grape varieties, the Shine Muscat is known for its high sugar content.
It has a clean aftertaste that can be recognized when eating it, which can be said to be a characteristic of the refined sugar content of the Shine Muscat. The skin of a Shine Muscat is very thin and soft, with little astringency, so it can be eaten with the skin on.
Most of the varieties of grapes that have been eaten in Japan for a long time were generally eaten with the skin peeled, but the Shine Muscat, which can be eaten without peeling, has been accepted even by younger generations who dislike the fruit because they think peeling is a hassle.Shine Muscat and Kyoho
You Can Feel The Quality of Japanese Fruits When You Eat Them
On my previous visits abroad, I saw fruits at markets and supermarkets. I noticed that most of the fruits were small in size and varied in appearance and taste.
Fruit prices in Japan tend to be higher than in other countries because of the labor-intensive cultivation of high unit-price varieties with good appearance and taste.
After some research, we found out that many Japanese fruit farmers are small family-run businesses, and their primary concern is to improve the economic efficiency of their production.
And the most important thing is the taste. Japanese people judge fruits comprehensively in terms of sweetness and acidity, but in other countries, sweetness is evaluated first. People who know the taste of Japanese fruits consider them to be different from fruits from other countries, and they go out of their way to choose expensive Japanese fruits.
Let's take a look at data on grape exports. The value of exports has increased over the past few years, mainly to Hong Kong and Taiwan, due to the good crop and the effectiveness of PR aimed at overseas markets.
Source:Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Also, did you know that Japanese fruit-flavored snacks are highly replicated in taste?
Easy-to-buy souvenirs, such as candies, gummies, and jellies that last for a long time, are easily available at supermarkets and convenience stores in Japan's travel destinations.Source:Lion Confectionery Co.,Ltd.
Then, in the past few years, foreign tourists have come to know about seasonal fruit-picking events.
The tourists are attracted by the fact that they can pick and eat fresh fruits by themselves under the supervision of fruit farmers.
There are many ways to taste and enjoy even a single piece of fruit.
You can find the best way to enjoy it!